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Fri, May 04


Zurich Station Centrale

Philipp Egli Maximilian Grossenbacher

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Time & Location

May 04, 2018, 6:00 PM

Zurich Station Centrale, Bahnhofpl., 8001 Zürich, Switzerland

About the event

Zwingli is enthroned above the crowd: the herald as the conductor of an orchestra of more than a hundred people, mixed in an unusual way. He rises to work with musical beginnings from his time; however, Zwingli, the visionary, steers the baton with surprising turns into the living now. The instrumentation changes, the voices are redistributed, an unfamiliar dynamic comes over the orchestra - under a hundredfold use of the body: the opening show of ZÜRICH TANZT, in manifesto of mobility and liberation through dance, combines in the ceremony with the 500-year Anniversary of the Zurich Reformation.

Concept and Choreography Philipp Egli Musical Director Maximilian Grossenbacher Participants Dance 20 professionals from the independent Zurich scene, BA Contemporary Dance ZHdK, HF ZUB and GAB Dance Factory 101, Tanztheater Dritter Frühling, Tanzhaus Young, about 40 upper, middle and primary students Contributing Music Eclecta, Zurich City Harmony, Abelimento Choir, Nicolas Stocker Solo, Ensemble du Bout du Monde, Production Manager Zoé Kilchenmann Co-production Association 500 years Zurich Reformation, egli_items and ZURICH DANCE

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